Weekly Digest: 2024 Financial Resolutions & Family Meetings

Nothing like a blizzard to remind you sometimes even your best laid plans can go awry.

Well, 2024 has started out a bit bumpy for me. Just as I was getting over the lingering disease of 2023, we had a major wind and snow storm knocking out power and internet for a couple days.

Turns out, when you run an online business, not having internet is not ideal. Here is a video of our Biblical storms…more on this later this week.

Live: New Years Financial Resolution Checklist

I did manage to go live on Friday! Last week’s live covered what you must be resolving to do with your finances this year. I discuss the following six fundamentals and explain why they are key to building a successful foundation:

  1. Build an Emergency Fund

  2. Pay Off Useless Debt

  3. Increase Your Retirement Savings (targeting 15%)

  4. Automate Your Finances

  5. Review Your Beneficiaries

  6. Review Your Investments

Podcast: If you prefer to listen instead!

Checklist: If you want to download this resource for your 2024 resolution checklist!

Next Week Live: Should Your Family Have Financial Meetings?

This Friday, 10am EST I will talk about family financial meetings—why you should have them, and what you should talk about!! Be sure to follow, like, share, and subscribe! Turn on notifications to get notified anytime we go live or post a new video!

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