Setting Investor Expectations for 2022

Market Projections & Commentary

As a Financial Planner & Investment Manager, I receive a multitude of daily updates, expert guides, predictions, and trends on the markets and economy. Part of my job is to sift through the copious amount of information and narrow down the key insights that are most important to you.

When it comes to looking forward to 2022, these are the three resources I found most helpful when evaluating the year ahead and the long-term trends of the markets.

Discussion on the Year Ahead by Rob Lovelace, Vice Chair & President of American Funds

(If you only have time to read article from this email, I recommend it be this one.)

Lovelace addresses the challenges in the year ahead for markets, but also emphasizes the historical long-term growth of markets and the importance of staying invested. Best stated in his summary:

“First of all, remember that even though the pandemic isn’t fading, it shouldn’t scare you. It should have less impact over time. Second, we’re in the 11th year of an extended bull market and near the end of the cycle. Some type of correction is likely, but it’s not time to panic. What’s happening underneath is solid, healthy and underpinned by strong earnings growth.”

Vanguard- 2022 at a Glance

Vanguard 2022 At A Glance
351KB ∙ PDF file
A brief forecast on the headwinds facing markets in 2022 as a result of the COVID pandemic, interest rates, and inflation. Predictions are often interesting since they are based on past trends, but are not determinative, and should be read with a critical eye.

Schwab Market Perspective: Bumps in the Road

A broad overview of the market trends over the last few years, and how they impact 2022 and beyond. It ends with a great reminder that the best thing you can do in anticipation of volatile markets is be sure to have an emergency fund, and to review your asset allocation with a long-term perspective.

As always, I stress that no one, not even these experts above, knows what will happen in the market this year, next year, or anytime in the future. The only thing we know is investors who remain invested for the long-term are rewarded over time. It is paramount you stay the course in the coming months; avoid selling on bad news (or anticipated bad news), and do not attempt to time the market.

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