Saying Yes to Life

Sometimes you have to risk your financial security to propel your life forward.

This week I ask the question—when should you interrupt financial stability for something more important?

For the new subscribers—those who know me only as a financial planner running her business from a rural village on Lake Ontario—it was not always this way. And for those of you who have been with me since the beginning—a reminder of how things came to be.

In 2020 I said yes to the adventure of a lifetime. Ditching my bougie Coronado lifestyle and moving to the rural village I now call home.

I exchanged boss babe for wife, Nordstroms for Carhartt, Hotel Del for backyard bonfires, and sunny and 75 for harsh winters. It was the best decision I ever made and changed the course of my life. I know now, God has called me here for a purpose—not only in my own life but for the lives around me.

But it is not so easy as that. I risked a lot financially to get here. I sold my home, paid for a hugely expensive move across country and most scary, I had to trust that my idea of an online financial planning business would appeal to enough of my current and new clients to keep the lights on.

It ultimately propelled my entire life, not just my business, to places I would not have attained standing still in Coronado. Plus, now that I’ve done it, I can confidently encourage my clients and others who want to move or drastically change their life—that they can too.

Remember, while prosperity is what we are all working for, sometimes you have to interrupt the prosperity to resituate your life so you are fulfilled.

This ice fishing trip on Lake Ontario somehow captures the joy and adventure I had no idea existed until I decided to let go and trust that God has a plan for us all—even in the most unexpected places.

Weekly Round Up

A video from last week and this week’s live topic…

YouTube Video: Retirement Withdrawal Rates

Dave Ramsey has been trending online for suggesting an 8% retirement withdrawal rate in retirement. Is he right? What is the best withdrawal rate for retirement?

In this video, I cover retirement rate of withdrawals in depth and provide 5 factors that will influence your decision making. I also analyze the most common rules of thumb along with Dave Ramsey’s recent suggestion and explain when you might be inclined to take a higher withdrawal and when you would want to follow a more conservative approach.

Check out all my YouTube content and be sure to like, share, and subscribe!

Live, Friday, 10am EST

Is A Roth Conversion Worth It? (Case Study)

If you’ve ever wondered if a Roth conversion is something you should do, this episode will give you a real scenario to think about! This week I will walk through a real-life scenario of what a Roth conversion looks like. We will discuss how a Roth conversion is done and explain how to compare the tax benefits in retirement with any taxes you will need to pay if you convert your IRA or 401(k) to Roth money.

Tune in live in YouTube, X, or Instagram—I take questions in the chat!

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