Building a Life of Freedom: 10 Choices Beyond Saving & Investing

People do not want “financial freedom”, they want freedom. Finances just underpin this desire. So, besides savings and investing, what else can you do to achieve freedom?

There is more to a fulfilling life than having your finances in order. I am fortunate enough to see it every day working with a wide variety of clients in different places and with different goals.

Yes, having money and making the right choices with how you spend and invest are fundamental to financial freedom. But financial freedom is just one part of the picture. If you want true freedom, you must address all aspects of your life. It all works together to enable you to live a life of choice.

Here are ten things you must do, in addition to having your financial house in order, to sow success in your life:

  1. Find your spiritual path and make it your priority the minute you wake up. Whatever you do first thing in your day tells you the God you worship.

  1. Prioritize exercise every day and eat nutrients that comes from the ground or an animal. Your physical well-being is the foundation for success in all areas of life, and your body is the instrument that allows you to accomplish your goals.

  2. Be intentional with every moment of your day by creating routines and systems. If you do not have a plan for your day, others will decide how you spend your time. Systems and routines ensure you complete your goals—even when you don’t feel like it.

  3. Be an active member of your community; be a good neighbor and put others first. This gives you perspective on what really matters. You will not accomplish anything good focused on only yourself.

  4. Spend less than you make and practice delayed gratification. Things are much better when we practice patience and gratitude for what we already have.

  5. Don’t overcomplicate anything in your life—including finances, relationships, hobbies, or work. Complexity is not a sign of wisdom or importance. Life is not easy, but don’t make it harder through complexities.

  6. Be humble. You are not that great—nobody is—and it’s embarrassing when you pretend you are.

  7. Do what is right, even if you don’t feel like it. Getting where you want to go is never worth cutting corners or compromising who you are or should be.

  8. Find hobbies that make you better. Netflix does not make you better. Being outside, reading a book, volunteering, creating something, and spending time with your family will all add to who you are as person and make you better.

  9. Eat dinner every night together with your family. They are the most important part of your life and should be a priority—regardless of how busy you are.

While having your finances in order is undeniably important for financial freedom, it is crucial to recognize that a fulfilling life encompasses much more than monetary success. As I have witnessed through my work with diverse clients, true freedom stems from a holistic approach to life, wherein all aspects harmoniously intertwine to create a life of purpose and meaning.

2 thoughts on “Building a Life of Freedom: 10 Choices Beyond Saving & Investing”

  1. I’m reading through this list again and love all of them but especially #6 and #7. The old proverb “You can more flies with honey than vinegar,” meaning always be kind, always rattles in my head for #6. It’s something I try to practice in my daily interactions.

    This is a great list, and thank you for sharing!

    1. Ryan, thank you for the positive feedback! Yes, complexity is so overrated and humility so underrated. These are targets for us all, I’m constantly trying and failing-especially at #7, but every day we get to try again!

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